jeudi 10 avril 2008

More blogs and websites

On Alain Girault's blog Working with you, you will have access to more videos, audio extracts and texts in order to improve both your oral and your written comprehensions.

To read articles written by students like yourselves, and get lots of advice, click on ZeBlog, by Jean-Sébastien Caussade.

For English vocabulary and exercises, click on English Dico.

6 commentaires:

Antoine a dit…

My Oral, and my inglish comprenshun iz parfact.


M. Courvoisier a dit…

At least as good as your spelling!
By the way, Antoine, did you know that Ms Gérout-Lévy has just started her own blog?
I'm sure she'd really LOVE to have your comments as well!

No..... I'm not just saying that to get rid of you, don't get any ideas!!

Mme Bred a dit…

mais il y des commentaires sur votre blog cher collègue !!

M. Courvoisier a dit…

Oui, chère collègue, heureusement qu'Antoine est là (ne lui répétez surtout pas!!).

Mme Bred a dit…

auriez-vous délaissé votre Blog cher collègue?

M. Courvoisier a dit…

c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire... trop de travail ces derniers temps avec la fin de l'année, l'orientation, le spectacle de 2D... Et trop peu de visiteurs!